Time and Space
“The story of me and my asthma is a fairy tale. My mom always waited for us to break up but he never left me. His love for me was infinite.”
Cornucopia of Words | Poems, Stories, and much more
Words unscripted
“The story of me and my asthma is a fairy tale. My mom always waited for us to break up but he never left me. His love for me was infinite.”
“On my way back my eyes wandered around searching for the lone dancer, she had disappeared. “
“It’s better to be okay with not being okay than it is to pretend everything is okay when it is not.” – Anna Akana
“The brush wasn’t moving with my hand, the colours didn’t blend well, there was too much water and the paper was wrecked.”
Some days loneliness visits me,
and I write it, a welcome note.
Mental Health in Times of a Pandemic It is important to keep in mind that mental health problems account for one third of the disabilities in adults across the world and yet is often not seen as a “real disease”. These are uncertain times. A pandemic unlike anything that we have seen is threatening us […]
“I am lucky all those years ago, I wasn’t that attentive in class! I would never have gotten to know you.”
“If the grey stone walls of Silver Oak Institute could talk they would tell you about the things that happened there. Fortunately or unfortunately magic walls that talk are the least of its problems.”
Even though Pegasus is a white horse in all the illustrations that I had seen, Greeshma’s was a brilliant blue and I thought that was perfect. Blue was and always will be my favourite colour.
Four Boxes and a Scrapbook I desperately want to sneeze. I am not sick or anything. I am sitting amidst a lot of dusty old stuff and I had an inspiration to write. I am supposed to be packing and in true procrastinator fashion, now I feel like writing something. I happily oblige because you […]