Author : Artemis and Apollo

An incomplete list (of things I’d miss)

An incomplete list (of things I’d miss) The posters on my wall,my bookshelf and the hundreds of stories that live within,the morning sun,the warmth of a cup of tea,the cosiness of my morning coffee,the smell of fresh linen,the fluffiness of my pillows,the aroma of the scented candles,the songs that make cry, smile or dance,the sound […]


[Redacted] Pre-school.txt Filename: AUD-1212202-WA0001.mp3 Given below is the transcript of the audio file obtained at the site. Some words were indecipherable. The transcriber has filled in with the most plausible word in case of inaudible words and added accurate translations wherever possible when the speaker spoke in a different language. Due to the nature of […]

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